Enhanced Pleasure

LIve Online ACADEMY Training


This training is a series of live Zoom calls and includes the foundation of Enhanced Pleasure Online Course

You will be part of an online learning community and journey together in a group with weekly live sessions facilitated by Matt or his trained facilitators.  You will be guided through a series of videos, maps and experiential exercises for you to learn in an easy, conscious way. There will be practices that can be used in your personal or professional life. No prior experience is necessary for this training. Whether you are a beginner or a professional, you can start where you are and find new levels of awareness.

What we will explore

Enhanced Pleasure Academy Training

Online Course + Community
397 One Time Payment
  • Full access to course material
  • Access to the Somatic Consent Academy
  • Weekly live support calls (90')
  • Monthly 2-hour ConsentLab Workshop
  • Weekly 15' waking up the hands meditation
  • Deduct €397 from any Academy Program
  • Personal Onboarding Call
best value

Here's what other graduates say about their transformation

Feeling grateful! These fun methods were the beginning of an exciting adventure of discovery—that lifted a kind of veil, revealing a whole new language of pleasure and relating that had been in my body... all along.
Nina Marie
United Kingdom
"My main finding in this training was the direct link between experienced sensations and deep relational patterns. It's like a fun, pleasurable Sherlock Holmes path. So much vital information for life expanding options. Especially the combination of theory, bodywork, nervous system and attachment theory makes the knowledge so liberating personally."
Janne Milton
"What attracted me is a combination of the following things: simplicity via the hands, focus on sexual/life force pleasure energy, and the neuroscience with it. That combination is just so much me, it felt like finding a soulmate in approach. It's the unique combination of theoretical and practical that nourishes both the academic in me and the practical energy body worker."
Jonathan Beger

Your life-changing transformation begins with The Somatic Consent Academy & the Fondation Of Enhanced Pleasure Online Course

  • As an Academy Member, you get access to The Somatic Consent Engagement System’s Foundation of Enhanced Pleasure Online Course- plus an extraordinary community to support you in transforming every dimension of your life.
  • In addition to unleashing your fullest potential, level up your career, wealth, health, relationships, and more with Somatic Consent’s advanced programs.
  • Each powered by the world’s best Somatic Consent teachers
  • With leading-edge learning tools and technology
  • And the most passionate community of change-makers on earth
  • The Academy Membership gives you everything you need to awaken your greatness—and attain the impossible every single day.

What’s included

Academy Curriculum

30+ Enriching Embodiment Lessons For All Areas Of Your Life

Academy Live

Regular Live Sessions With Worldclass Facilitators Of The Art

Academy Meditation

Weekly Meetings to Deepen The Embodiment Of Your Practice

Academy Connection

A Private Social Network And Meet-ups To Connect And Thrive

Why joining The Academy Today?

3 Powerful Advantages Only Available Now:


Choose the Academy Training and get a special bonus:

By securing the training now, you’re getting a vast bonus on the Academy, compared to the course. This makes an already great deal for your transformational education even more affordable.


Priority access to The Enhanced Pleasure Program starting at the beginning of next month

Next month, a dedicated group of people from around the world will begin their journey together. Academy programs are collaborative experiences designed to simulate engaging online classes, run by expert facilitators. And so for the best experience and outcome, we recommend securing your spot in the group by becoming a Academy Member now (although you can still start at any time and learn at your own pace).


Join a special one-on-one welcome at your onboarding call with an Academy facilitator:

Get the best possible start to your journey with this Private Zoom Call, where you’ll connect with the team and discover how to make the most of your Membership. Plus you’ll meet other members so you have all the support you need to thrive from the first day.

Join the Academy now, and begin your transformational journey

Enhanced Pleasure Academy Training

Online Course + Community
397 One Time Payment
  • Full access to course material
  • Access to the Somatic Consent Academy
  • Weekly live support calls (90')
  • Monthly 2-hour ConsentLab Workshop
  • Weekly 15' waking up the hands meditation
  • Deduct €397 from any Academy Program
  • Personal Onboarding Call
best value

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