Join The Pleasure Workshop...

Get The Most Important Foundation Of Receiving

Enhanced Pleasure & Joy, In Just A Few Hours

From The Cosy Comfort Of Your Own Home

Even If You’re New To This – Or Have Tried All Kind Of Workshops For Years With No Results.

Registration for the Pleasure Workshop

For the price of coffee and croissant! Just to show us you’re serious! 



Improve intimate relationships

Become aware of your needs & desires in your relationship that you're currently trying to meet through unconscious behaviour. Learn how to ask for what you want through honest communication.

Relax your nervous system

With our Wake Up Pleasure Meditation™ you'll learn how to naturally relieve stress, anxiety & self-judgment by tapping into the experience of tactile sensations.

Improve your love life

Feeling numb in the bedroom? Do you want to feel more pleasure? By Waking Up Pleasure in your skin you'll unlock deeper sensations of pleasure in your body.

Process stuck emotions

Learn how you can heal suppressed emotions and trauma by getting back in touch with your body through our Wake Up Pleasure Meditation™

Embrace Self Love

Remove unconscious blockages in your mind & body that keep you from experiencing the natural sense of self-love that's already deep within you.

Find your tribe

Looking for like-minded individuals to connect with? This workshop will provide a safe space for you to work on your shadows, trauma and present moment awareness.

If you recognise yourself in any of the below, you're in the right place...

You're alive, but aren't really living life fully?

Relying on  your mind’s interpretations of your reality – rather than your sensory experience means you are blocked off from the emotional and energetic experience of life.

You’re blocked off because society has taught you not to feel and embrace your emotions.

You’ve been taught to deny your shame, guilt, anger and grief, and automatically suppress these emotions – deep within your subconscious mind.

But guess what…

By not feeling into your ‘bad’ emotions, you also cut yourself off from fully experiencing your positive emotions and from feeling fully alive.

Depression, boredom, feeling tired all the time, as well as feeling frustrated or numb in bed – are all consequences of the same thing: 

Being unable to feel into your natural, sensory experience of life.


In this 2 Day Pleasure Workshop you will find out:

  • Why you can’t feel into self-love and ease – and receive the solution
  • Why you’re feeling unsatisfied in bed – and how to turn that around
  • How to drop never-ending self-judgement – and experience the ease of being ‘at home’ in your body
  • How to minimise stress – by taking conscious control of your nervous system
  • And…

Why your hands are the BEST tools available to help you create the life you want.


You've had experience with healing modalities and meditation practices before, but you always fall back to old patterns

You may have already…
  • Been on your spiritual journey for a while now
  • Tried many healing modalities, meditations, yoga practices and tantra workshops
  • Had shamanic ceremonies and energy healing
  • Taken emotional healing courses and conscious manifestation workshops

They may have helped you on your journey and were of great value, yet… didn’t seem to stick.

You practise everything with enthusiasm at first but then it peters out. 

With each healing modality, you feel like moving on – to find one that resonates better with you.

You hop from workshop to workshop, and have joined different online communities that don’t come to much.

Somatic Consent offers a system for spiritual growth and overall well-being – easily practised in your every day life!

We firmly stand behind the idea that your healing journey & spiritual growth can be fun and joyful

Embodying your experience of pleasure – allows you to do that!

You're seeking spiritual growth, but you’d like to keep your feet on the ground

You’re a spiritual seeker, but have had enough of fluffy theories and stories about the nature of reality that get you nowhere, while distracting you from solving real life challenges.

  • Somatic Consent is about practicality and fun. Its practices are designed to get you results – while infusing fun along the way.

You like to live a grounded life in your body and would love to learn a fun meditation practice that allows you to do so.

  • Our focus is to calm mind chatter, and help you live life fully within your body.

You find it difficult to concentrate during meditation.

  • The methods we use bring you so deeply into enjoyable moments of pleasure, that distraction is minimal.

You’re interested in meditation, but you like your practice to be backed by science.

  • Somatic Consent is based on theoretical studies of the latest somatic science.

Here's what other people say about Somatic Consent

What drew me specifically to this training was the direct link between experienced sensations and deep relational patterns. It's like a fun, pleasurable Sherlock Holmes path. So much vital information for life expanding options. Especially the combination of theory, bodywork, nervous system and attachment makes the knowledge so liberating personally.
Janne Milton
What drew me is a combination of the following things: simplicity via the hands, focus on sexual/life force pleasure energy, and the neuroscience with it. That combination is just so much me, it felt like finding a soulmate in approach. It's the unique combination of theoretical and practical that nourishes both the academic in me and the practical energy body worker.
Jonathan Beger
What drew me to this specific teaching is that I am working a lot on feeling myself and the full range of my emotions, a combination of releasing the pattern of needing others to feel Self. It all resonates deeply and I would love to teach it. I think it's so important for children to learn this early on - can you imagine a society where it's part of the basic schooling?!
Bas van der Tang
The Netherlands
So much has emerged within me from a daily practice of this. Noticing how safe I feel (during the practice) has made my body begin realising how deeply unsafe I felt before. I awoke to the reality of a mind full of thoughts, in a body that didn’t feel safe. After noticing how desperately my body was screaming for security, I began holding hot bread at every meal. I finally understand now why I, as a Jew, was taught to say a blessing, while holding hot bread in my hands. This slowing down to experience allows us to notice so much. It demands my truth. It strips me of my stories, like my need to give to be worthy of friends. It brings me home, back to my foundation. It has awoken in its embodied aspect, parts of me that were only skimmed over before. This work is freedom. I am returning to myself, and finally experiencing in an embodied manner exactly when I'm selling myself short and not in my integrity.
Schmuell Schuck
Feeling grateful! These fun methods were the beginning of an exciting adventure of discovery—that lifted a kind of veil, revealing a whole new language of pleasure and relating that had been in my body... all along.
Nina Marie
United Kingdom
I took your online class about Touch, Shadow and Relationships because I was interested in the shadow aspect. Your explanation of the Somatic Consent Engagement System and how it relates to our patterns of behaviour when we don't get what we want or we don't say no to what we don't want really resonated with me. It helped me to understand certain passive aggressive tendencies I employ as a defence mechanism. Through Somatic Consent I feel as though I can rewire certain behaviours and reactions. I feel more connected to my true 'yes' and I feel more empowered to say no and enforce my boundaries.
Heather Broussard

Matt is a German-born Consciousness Facilitator.  His own journey began in 1997 at the age of 29.

Through his personal practice and direct experience, he’s nurtured an ethos of communication, love and power within—with absolute integrity.

With Somatic Consent, he went on to create the first consent school of its kind.

Over the last 20+ years, Matt has travelled to over 60 countries teaching and learning from the most integrated leaders, teachers, and masters of pleasure and conscious development.

Born with a desire to impact and innovate, Matt is a pioneer in the worldwide field of holistic healing, pleasure, de-armouring and community empowerment.

He has trained thousands of practitioners and individuals from all over the world in his methodologies, programs and events.

He teaches at international events, sharing his expertise on the topics of conscious leadership, relating, and profound personal transformation.

He is committed to supporting conscious change-makers and professionals, enabling them to transform into healthy role models and embodied leaders.

His holistic facilitation supports people to overcome self-sabotage, low self-esteem and limiting beliefs so that they too can live more pleasurable, authentic, confident lives, true to their own individual purpose.

His clients go on to create what they desire and deserve—while contributing greatly to positive collective impact.

How Over Pleasing People Can Use One Simple Yet Powerful Method To Overcome Their Intimacy Issues And Finally Have The Relationships They Deserve​

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